killarney gardens

History of Killarney Gardens

This suburb is an industrial area surrounded by residential areas. It was established in the late 1980s to support the growing demand for industrial and commercial spaces in the city. Initially developed to provide affordable and well-structured facilities for small to medium-sized enterprises, it has since become a bustling hub for various businesses, including manufacturing, logistics, and distribution. The area’s strategic location near major transport routes, such as the N7 highway and the port of Cape Town, has contributed to its economic growth. Today, Killarney Gardens is known for its diverse range of industries, offering a mix of warehousing, light industrial operations, and commercial activities, making it an essential contributor to Cape Town’s economy. Killarney Racetrack is situated close by.

The postcode  is 7441


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Useful Numbers

Police: Milnerton Police Station-021 528 3800
Traffic department: Milnerton -0860 103 089
Fire: 021 400 6949
Water:0860 103 089
Electricity:0860 103 089
Ambulance: 10177
Post office; Dunoon 021 556 3561
Closest hospital; 021 529 9000 Milnerton Mdiclinic
Dunoon clinic -021 200 4500
SPCA: Cape of Good Hope 021 700 4140

Local Listings
