Colourdots is a small business directory and local information website
Find local information, goods, and services and support small businesses. Discover local entrepreneurs Be a tourist in your own town and visit museums, markets, heritage sites, and nature reserves. Details of these places are available on the listing pages.
Learn about the history of Towns and suburbs in the Western Cape. Read local stories and find activities and attractions. From clubs and societies to sports clubs, hikes and adventures, places to eat, and places to stay. There’s plenty to explore. Support South Africa by shopping locally. Colourdots currently covers the entire Western Cape.
How to find what you are looking for.
Towns and suburbs
- Click the “Visit towns and Suburbs” tab
- Type in the name of the town or suburb you are searching for (on a phone, scroll to the bottom of the page).
- This will open a page with information about the town, including a short story, places of interest (often linked to more information), useful phone numbers, and a link to all listings in the town.
- Filter the listings by category and tags.
Search listings by area
- Click the ‘Search the listings by area’ tab.
- The areas listed will drop down. Districts like Atlantic Seaboard or Cape Winelands will show towns and suburbs within them.
- Click on the place you are looking for to see all listings in that area.
- Filter the listings further by category and tags
Search the listings by category
- Click on ‘Search the listings by category’.
- All listings in the Western Cape within that category will appear.
- Filter the listings further by area and tags
Keyword Search
- Type any keyword using the “What are you looking for?” box.
- All listings containing that word will appear, such as “berries,” “labyrinth,” “stargazing,” or “pensioners.” Note, the word “roses” for example will return a list of listings with that word, but the word “rose” will return more listings including listings where the word prose or any other word including “rose” is in the copy.
Join the dots
Add your business to the growing list of entrepreneurs on Colourdots.