
The name Glencairn was probably chosen by some Scottish residents after an area in North Scotland. Glencairn is about 4 ks North of Simon’s Town in the Els River valley where there is a wetland conserve. An early map from 1870 shows the river (originally called ELze perhaps from Esselstein’s River ) The beach has been trekked by fishermen for many years.
The Christoffel brand farmed vegetables at Elsje’s River and in the area of Elsje’s Baai was a tannery. Other farms in the area was Hartenbosch, located in the area now known as Da Gama. The farm Brooklands was further up the valley. At Welcome Farm was a mill where farmers brought grain to be ground.
The Cape Glass factory in Glencairn was a short-lived and unfortunately, unsuccessful enterprise where the first attempt was made to produce bottles entirely by machine. The company was registered in Britain in 1902. It has been excavated and there are interesting remains which were found.

The postcode in Glencairn is 7975


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Things to see and do in Glencairn:

  • Glencairn Beach: Is popular for dog walking, windsurfing and kite-surfing
  • Glencairn Wetlands: These are protected and populated with Indigenous fauna and flora with great bird-watching opportunities
  • Whale Watching: In-season
  • Excellent hiking routes in the mountains
  • (Sacred site )Pyramid All-seeing Eye, This site embodies a fiery, male energy and looks oddly like the symbol on US dollar bills. A site
  • At 3122 Glen Road in the valley on a slope in a natural fynbos area is a labyrinth with one-meter-wide paths and two-meter-wide borders of indigenous plants.  0834840294
  • Scuba Diving around the wreck of The Clan Stuart which ran aground in 1914.
  • -Glencairn Tidal Pool which was built in the 1920s

    Useful numbers in Glencairn

    • Police: 021 786 8646
    • Traffic department: 021 786 8646
    • Fire: 0214003908
    • Water: 0860 103 089
    • Electricity: 0860 103 089
    • Ambulance: 10177
    • Post office; Fishhoek 021 782 2916
    • Closest hospital; False Bay Hospital-ER- 021 782 1121
    • SPCA: 021 700 4140
    • Schools: Closest schools are in Fishoek



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