Van Hunks and the Devil
The story of Van Hunks and the Devil goes like this… A very long time ago a pirate from Holland by the name of Jan Van Hunks, decided to retire from his life of crime. He chose to settle on the slopes of Table Mountain where he liked to enjoy the view and smoke his pipe. One day he got to his favourite place and there was a man sitting there completely dressed in black. Van Hunks greeted the man and went to sit next to him. He lit his pipe and began to smoke. The stranger also lit up a pipe saying “I wager I could smoke more than you can”. Van Hunks accepted the wager and the two puffed up huge clouds of smoke that billowed over Table Mountain. Van Hunks was a confident smoker and they persevered until eventually, the stranger laid down his pipe in defeat as he revealed that he was the devil himself So now when there are clouds on the mountain, locals say, Van Hunks and The devil are at it again.