History of Herbertsdale

Province: Western Cape
Garden route
Coordinates:34°01′S 21°46′E
Area:2.87 km2
Municipality­ – Mossel Bay

Herbertsdale is a village in the Lantou Valley East of Gourits River. It was established in 1865 on the farm Hemelrood and named after James Benton Herbert who was a part-owner of this farm. The first plots were sold in 1865. The Dutch Reformed Church and school were built on another piece of land. Mission work was started here in 1863. It was taken over by the Berlin missionary society in 1872. The village is at the foot of the Outeniqua mountains at the Southern end of the Cloetes pass that was constructed in1850s. There are forts here dating from the Boer War 1899-1903. The Langfontein Valley on the road leading out of town in famous for Witblits ( The South African version of moonshine or poteen)

The postcode for Herbertsdale is 6505

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Useful Numbers

Police: 044 651 1603
Municipality -044 606 5000
Traffic department:044 606 5000 / 5201
Fire: 044 606 5031
Water: 044 606 5262
Electricity:044 606 5082
Ambulance: 10177
Post office;044 651 1619
Library:044 651 1772
Closest hospital; Mossel bay hospital-044 691 2011
Pharmacy;044 698 1093(Dana Bay)
SPCA:044 693 0824
Schools; Herbertsdale primary school – 044 465 1168

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