
History of Parow

In 1865 a huge storm off Table Bay caused 19 ships to be stranded. One of these ships, the Kehrweider was captained by Johann Heinrich Ferdinand Parow.
He decided to remain in the Cape and later married Johanna Wilhelmina Timmerman whose family had helped him when he was stranded. He saw an opportunity in the Tyger Valley region and he began selling and promoting the area for cattle trade. Here he acquired great wealth.
While the village had a management board from 1902, it only became a municipality in 1939. The town was included in the Cape Town municipal land area in 1944 and incorporated into the more recently formed City of Tygerberg in 1996.

The postal codes  are street Code 7500 and Box Code 7499

Things to see and do in Parow


see all listings in Parow

Useful Numbers

  • Police: 021 929 7037
  • Traffic department: Goodwood 021 444 7151
  • Fire: Goodwood;021 590 1900
  • Water: 0860 103 089
  • Electricity:0860 103 089
  • Ambulance: 10177
  • Post office; 021 939 8080
  • Closest hospital;  Day Hospital 078 671 1226
  • Community health care centre; 021 444 0924
  • Ravensmead Multipurpose Centre : 021 444 0916
  • Civic Hall: 021 444 0916
  • Library: 021 444 0940
  • Pharmacy; Faulls 021 939 2120
  • SPCA: 021 700 4140
  • MC Fick Hall:021 444 0916
  • Community Centre: 021 444 0265
  • Avondale community centre 021 571 7080
  • Schools: Florida High School 021 931 8922
    P North primary:021 930 2663
    Parow primary; 021 911 3357
    P East primary; 021 930 8655
    P West primary; 073 548 965
    Hoerskool Parow 021 939 4145
    Parow prep;021 939 4582
    Parow vallei prep 021 931 6251
  • Museum: 021 911 5907

