Advertise your small business locally

Support small local business and buy South African.

Advertise your small business locally

These are uncertain times. Small business has been under enormous strain. At this time it is vital to do as much advertising as possible. It is important to attract customers online. Research shows that during rough times, businesses need to do more not less advertising. This will let people know they are still available. Market your small business for free in the Colourdots directory. Perhaps you have a small shop, whether you do business from your home or you operate from the boot of your car, you can add a listing. Advertise your small business locally. A basic listing to market your small business for free, includes an image, phone number, a description and contact details. Listings with direct links to your other pages (website, Facebook etc.) have a small annual fee, please find details here.

Local portal

Colourdots has recently upgraded the site to include all kinds of local information. However, we are passionate about the success of small enterprises and helping businesses get customers online. Whether this is a “one person” small show or a growing enterprise, listing is the best advertising for small business

Colourdots is a local information website. It is primarily a local small business directory with all kinds of other local information which is useful for visitors to the site. These visitors can read a short history of their town or suburb. Local phone numbers such as police, hospitals, schools and libraries are listed here too. The history pages also include a list of things to see and do locally such as museums, parks, heritage sites and so much more. Also on the site, apart from local business listings, visitors can find lists of adventures, walks and hikes in and around the Western Cape. They can find some short stories about ghosts, shipwrecks, local artists and more.

List your business for free

Entrepreneurs are invited to list their businesses in the local area where they do business.  Customers can locate local business listings easily by selecting their area from the drop-down list. They can then choose a category in the next drop-down box. The list of categories is extensive and has space to include all independent suppliers of goods and services. A list of all independent businesses in the category will return.

Support small local businesses and buy South African.


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